09 October 2012


I was apparently not ready for this challenge. I really wanted it to work and I really wanted to do it, but I just don't have the time or inclination. I'm not going to delete it just yet in case I decide I want to pick it up again.

Sorry to disappoint. Maybe when I come back I'll really be ready.

04 October 2012

42: pumpkin spice kisses

These should not be allowed in my home. To my credit, I've only eaten 4 so far...

03 October 2012

41: gold shoes

These are my new favorite shoes. They're also sold in a sparkly black and I'm already plotting to buy them. Best part, they're from Target and I got them on clearance. Day. Made.

02 October 2012

40: scarves

My scarf hanger. Also, I would like more scarves. :)

01 October 2012

39: new best friend

So I know this isn't the best picture, but I had to share. Louis has found a new best friend in the form of my space heater.