09 October 2012


I was apparently not ready for this challenge. I really wanted it to work and I really wanted to do it, but I just don't have the time or inclination. I'm not going to delete it just yet in case I decide I want to pick it up again.

Sorry to disappoint. Maybe when I come back I'll really be ready.

04 October 2012

42: pumpkin spice kisses

These should not be allowed in my home. To my credit, I've only eaten 4 so far...

03 October 2012

41: gold shoes

These are my new favorite shoes. They're also sold in a sparkly black and I'm already plotting to buy them. Best part, they're from Target and I got them on clearance. Day. Made.

02 October 2012

40: scarves

My scarf hanger. Also, I would like more scarves. :)

01 October 2012

39: new best friend

So I know this isn't the best picture, but I had to share. Louis has found a new best friend in the form of my space heater.

30 September 2012

29 September 2012

28 September 2012

27 September 2012

35: progress

It's nowhere near perfect but here's where all the boxes used to be.

26 September 2012

25 September 2012

24 September 2012

23 September 2012

31: coffee

One of my favorite coffee mugs. I could also go for some beignets right about now.

22 September 2012

30: boxes

The embarrassingly large pile of yet to be unpacked boxes in my office.

21 September 2012

20 September 2012

28: the state of my desk

This is what my computer looks like how that I work from home. Come to think of it...there were sticky notes all over my monitor even when I didn't work from home.

19 September 2012

27: beware of canoes

I'm not 100% sure what to think about this sign. It's right next to a bike path by my house. There is a little canal by the path, but i'm not sure the sign is visible from the water.

So if the sign is for water craft...fail.

And if the sign is for bikers and pedestrians...are the canoes particularly aggressive in Nebraska?


Obviously I have gotten a little behind. I was trying to keep up by backdating sometimes but today I just want to hit the reset button. And I figured it's my blog so I can do what I want right? ;) So starting today I'm going to really really really try to post for real every day. I'm alright with scheduling posts ahead of time but I'm going to try and avoid backdating. I'm sure you all really wanted to know that. But anyway, that's why there's going to be a little gap in days.

I hope you'll all stick around and give me lots of feedback so I can maybe one day call myself an amateur photographer not just a girl who likes to play with her husband's camera.

I hope you all have a wonderful day! :)

15 September 2012

26: lipstick mason jar

i finally found a good place to keep all of my lip gloss/lipstick/lip-whatevers...

13 September 2012

24: favorite daytime spot

my dogs are always on the lookout for potential threats things to bark at. from this spot they can see out the big picture window in the front. and we live on a corner so there's lots to see bark at

12 September 2012

23: RIP favorite pen

i have a thing about pens. i'm picky and i love them. i've had this one for 3 years. and today it died. *sigh* i guess that means I get to go pick out a new one!

11 September 2012

22: my newest plant friend

remember the third empty herb pot? well now it's home to a baby aloe vera plant. the one at work was sprouting babies so i got to take this one home!

10 September 2012

21: a bloom

have i mentioned i love my rose bushes? ;)

09 September 2012

08 September 2012

19: rose bud

my house came with two rose bushes...and i love them!

07 September 2012

18: mouse pad

this is really just a mouse pad....but it did come from Turkey :)

06 September 2012

17: love me some nail polish

i super over exposed it on accident, then decided i liked it :) maybe one day i'll do stuff like that on purpose :)

05 September 2012

16: herbs

two herbs, three plants....what should i plant next?!!?

04 September 2012

15: accidental coffee

this was so not the original subject of my picture...

02 September 2012

31 August 2012

30 August 2012

10: best of friends

waiting to be let outside to go bark at something

29 August 2012

9: glasses

i'm finally getting around to unpacking my glassware

27 August 2012

7: chai

Wow. I am really struggling with this everyday thing. I'll get on track eventually. :) But for now, another one of my favorite things...soy chai latte.

25 August 2012

6: wine and my backyard

this is from several days ago but I'm impressed that my iPhone took this (and there's no editing!)

24 August 2012

22 August 2012

3: red shoes

Bought these shoes on clearance a few months ago for just over $5. Wore them and my new pants for the first day at my new job. :)

21 August 2012

2: bird feeder

I finally have my bird feeder. Now where are all the birds...

20 August 2012

1: Welcome!

Welcome to my 365 blog! I first must admit that I got my idea from this talented lady. If you're familiar with my regular blog you may know that I often comment on how I'd really like to improve upon my non-existant photography skills. Solution: start a 365 blog and learn because I'm forcing myself to post at least one picture every day. (Hence the 365.) I would really like this to be more about images and less about words, so I'm going to try and keep the descriptions pretty short. So without further adieu, I give you the very first picture of my 365 blog.